PUT POS/v3.1/PurchaseOrders/{id}/Tickets Try Now
This is all or nothing add tickets operation. If an error occurs while adding tickets then none of the tickets will be added and all the failed tickets along with their index and error message will be returned in the response. Currently in progress...
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
The purchase order identifier.
string |
Body Parameters
Add tickets to purchase order request.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Tickets |
Ticket details. (Only 300 Ticket Groups can be added per API request)
Collection of TicketDetails |
Broadcast |
Broadcast Details.
BroadcastDetails |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Tickets": [ { "SHEventId": 1, "EventId": "", "VenueId": "", "Event": "", "EventDate": "2024-11-30T15:53", "Venue": "", "Section": "", "Row": "", "Quantity": 9, "MaskedQuantity": 10, "DoNotWaste": true, "Seating": "Any", "Stock": "Any", "SHDeliveryMethod": "None", "PredeliverToSH": true, "TicketSeats": [ { "Seat": 1, "Barcode": "", "ReferenceNumber": 3, "UniqueTicketNumber": "", "FacePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "InventoryType": "" } ], "TicketTraits": [ { "StubHubTraitId": 1, "Description": "", "Seat": 3 } ], "RestrictionOption": "None", "PublicNotes": "", "InternalNotes": "", "BrokerNotes": "", "ControlNotes": "", "SplitOptions": { "SplitOption": "None", "Splits": 1, "OverrideSplitOption": true }, "ConnectedStatus": "Any", "InHandDetails": { "InHandStatus": "Any", "InHandDays": 1, "InHandDate": "2024-11-30T15:53" }, "DeliveryOption": "Any", "ReferenceNumber": "", "FacePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "PurchasePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "TaxedCost": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "SellPrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "Discount": 17.0, "Overs": 18.0, "Tax": 19.0, "Tags": [ "" ], "MinimumPayout": 20.0, "HideSeats": true, "ZonePricing": "", "IsFacePriceSameforSeats": true, "Location": "" } ], "Broadcast": { "BroadcastTo": "Default", "Zones": [ { "ZoneCode": "Any", "Broadcast": true } ] } }
Response Information
Resource Description
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseOrderId |
The purchase order identifier.
string |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
The purchase order number.
long |
Tickets |
The tickets.
Collection of TicketDetails |
Status | BulkActionStatus |
Errors | Collection of TicketDetails |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PurchaseOrderId": "", "PurchaseOrderNumber": 2, "Tickets": [ { "TicketGroupId": "", "TicketNumber": 2, "ReferenceNumber": "", "EventDetails": { "EventName": "", "OriginalEventName": "", "VenueName": "", "OriginalVenueName": "", "EventDate": "2024-11-30T15:53", "OriginalEventDate": "2024-11-30T15:53", "EventId": "", "VenueId": "" }, "Seats": [ { "SeatId": "", "Seat": 2, "Barcode": "", "ReferenceNumber": 4, "FacePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "UniqueTicketNumber": "" } ], "Seating": "Any", "PurchaseOrderItemId": "", "HighSeat": 5, "LowSeat": 6, "Section": "", "Row": "", "Stock": "Any", "TicketStatus": "Any", "SHDeliveryMethod": "None", "PredeliverToSH": true, "DeliveryOption": "Any", "HideSeats": true } ], "Status": "Success", "Errors": [ { "ErrorMessage": "", "Item": { "SHEventId": 1, "EventId": "", "VenueId": "", "Event": "", "EventDate": "2024-11-30T15:53", "Venue": "", "Section": "", "Row": "", "Quantity": 9, "MaskedQuantity": 10, "DoNotWaste": true, "Seating": "Any", "Stock": "Any", "SHDeliveryMethod": "None", "PredeliverToSH": true, "TicketSeats": [ { "Seat": 1, "Barcode": "", "ReferenceNumber": 3, "UniqueTicketNumber": "", "FacePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "InventoryType": "" } ], "TicketTraits": [ { "StubHubTraitId": 1, "Description": "", "Seat": 3 } ], "RestrictionOption": "None", "PublicNotes": "", "InternalNotes": "", "BrokerNotes": "", "ControlNotes": "", "SplitOptions": { "SplitOption": "None", "Splits": 1, "OverrideSplitOption": true }, "ConnectedStatus": "Any", "InHandDetails": { "InHandStatus": "Any", "InHandDays": 1, "InHandDate": "2024-11-30T15:53" }, "DeliveryOption": "Any", "ReferenceNumber": "", "FacePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "PurchasePrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "TaxedCost": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "SellPrice": { "Currency": "", "Amount": 1.0 }, "Discount": 17.0, "Overs": 18.0, "Tax": 19.0, "Tags": [ "" ], "MinimumPayout": 20.0, "HideSeats": true, "ZonePricing": "", "IsFacePriceSameforSeats": true, "Location": "" } } ] }